Quick Scan Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to use the Quick Scan app. We take your privacy and data security very seriously, so we have developed the following privacy agreement to clarify our policies and practices in collecting, using and protecting your personal information.

Information Collection:

We only collect necessary information when you use the Quick Scan app, such as device model, device ID, location, etc., in order to provide better services.

We will not collect your private information, such as name, address, gender, phone number, email address, etc. from you. Including the relevant information you enter when generating the QR code, it will only be saved on your own device and will not be uploaded to a third party.

Information Use:

We will only use the information we collect to provide and improve the functions and services of the Quick Scan app.

Unless we have your explicit consent or the laws and regulations allow, we will not use your device information for other purposes or share it with third parties.

Information Security:

We adopt reasonable security technologies and measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

We will review our security policies and measures regularly to ensure that they meet the latest security standards.

Privacy Policy Update:

We may update this privacy policy in accordance with changes in laws and regulations or the needs of business development.

We will notify you of any significant changes to the Privacy Policy in an appropriate manner and ask you to reconfirm your consent.

Contact Information:[email protected]

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us through our official channels.

We promise to comply with relevant laws and regulations, respect and protect your privacy. Thank you for your trust and support for the Quick Scan app!